Saturday, 7 April 2012

Easter Weekend

Well I have been fairly busy recently.   Went to stay with my brother and his wife for a few days, just about got home and unpacked when I had to repack again for a week's stay with my son Tim and his wife Maddy in their almost-ready hotel in Montelparo, Italy.   Fantastic week there (but quite hard work!!) in very hot sunshine every day.   I was getting the courtyard and terrace gardens all ready and the watering system put in.   The week flew by, but of course no time for crafting!!

Next I went to stay with a friend in Finchley for whom I had designed a garden and we had three days of planting it all up, weeding, organising, etc.etc. with a fair bit of eating and drinking - oh, and chatting too!   Again, another week with no scrapping.

Went to an all-day crop today though and made up for lost time, completing several challenges I had outstanding.   This is a layout I did from a team-mate's sketch challenge where one member of the team does a sketch for the month and the rest of us do a layout looking vaguely like the sketch!!   Another page done now for my friend#'s first grandchild's scrapbook - so thanks Emma (Little Dolphin) for your challenge.  I enjoyed it very much.

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